Austria Triplets


After 6 years of desperately wanting a baby and 2 attempts of Invitro Fertilization, Brandi and Marlon Austria were finally pregnant. Two weeks later, they found out they were blessed with triplet boys! They were given one set of identical twins (Emilio and Mateo) and one singleton (Lorenzo). Brandi and Marlon were told that one of the identical twins was very small and most likely not going to live. In the following weeks, the smallest identical twin (Emilio) continued to slowly grow and thrive, but still premature than the other two. For precautionary measures at 13 weeks, Brandi had a Cerclage done in which her cervix was sewn closed with sutures. Even though Brandi had severe morning sickness and some bumps in the road with having triplets, the babies seem to be able to overcome them.
At 20 weeks and 4 days, Brandi went to a routine doctor’s visit and found her cervix wide open and her cervix sutures strained. With no contractions, Brandi was put on bedrest at home and went back one week later for a recheck. Emilio’s sac was bulging out of her cervix sutures so Brandi was directly admitted to the hospital where they gave her medications to stop any contractions. Before any other interventions could be done, Emilio’s sac broke that night. At that point, an Ultrasound was done and her cervix and the sutures were back intact. They were told as long as Brandi didn't get an infection from Emilio’s sac rupturing, she could continue to keep the babies growing inside of her.
Three days later at 22 weeks, Brandi started having strong potent contractions despite the medications given to stop them. Another Ultrasound was done and now there was no fluid in Mateo’s sac. After being examined, her cervix sutures were strained again with Emilio’s foot sticking out of her sutures. Brandi's doctor had to remove her sutures or Emilio could’ve torn her cervix despite the sutures because he was now positioned and ready for birth.
Meanwhile, Brand’s heart rate was trending upward, but no elevated temperature. The doctor also saw what looked like pus, which was an indication that Brandi could have a massive infection throughout her uterus (This was confirmed with cultures at Brandi's post delivery six week follow up). Brandi and Marlon were told Emilio would come first and Mateo shortly after due to both sacs already ruptured and delivery was imminent. If it still didn’t look like Brandi had an infection after Emilio and Mateo were born then the doctor could try to calm Brandi's contractions and see if Lorenzo could be saved. Unfortunately after Emilio was born, Lorenzo’s sac ruptured, Brandi’s heart rate became faster, and her temperature even higher. Brandi’s doctor told them she had an infection now and was concerned with her getting Pulmonary Edema (fluid in the lungs) or becoming Septic (infection in the blood). There was no choice, but to deliver Lorenzo as well. Emilio Alejandro (10ins, 13oz), Mateo Frank (10ins, 14oz), and Lorenzo Menandro Austria (12ins, 1 lbs) were all born on March 7, 2011. Born prematurely, the boys were not able to survive and passed away hours after they were born.
All of their names have special meanings that Brandi & Marlon thought were perfect for them. Emilio means to try to equal or excel and rival with success. Mateo means gift of God. Lorenzo means Crown like the Crown Jewel or special. Brandi and Marlon were able to hold and spend time with their three miracles for a short time after birth before they peacefully passed away in their arms. Brandi and Marlon love their babies very much and will hold them in their hearts forever. They are still saddened and would like to extend the memory of their sons in hopes of Blessing others by helping those in need in their names.
